Update: Section added with links to Requested Recipes that have been published!


Here’s a list of requested recipes that I have published. These are listed with the most recent recipes published at the top. More to come! Lots, lots, lots more…. – Nagi x

Request a recipe!

I spend an inordinate amount of time deciding which recipes to share. My biggest problem is that there are so many recipes I want to share, things that get me doing the jiggy because it’s so good but then before I dash off to film and photograph the recipe, I pause and think – will my readers get excited about this too?? Will they really go and try this? It’s always interesting when I publish a new recipe to see how many people read it. After 4 years of blogging (that’s middle aged in Internet terms!), you’d think I’d be able to get it right 100% of the time. And mostly, I can. I knew you’d love the Sticky Honey Mustard Drumsticks and go bonkers over the Pad Thai and Tikka Masala. I didn’t expect you’d be clamouring for the Quiche Lorraine or Avocado Dip, and I guessed right. 🙂 But other times, you surprise me! I did not expect such an amazing response to the Homemade Pastrami from last Friday, nor that the Garlic Butter Kale Rice would become such a firm favourite!

And after all those hours of contemplating what recipes I think you want, it finally dawned on me: Why don’t I ask you??  DUH! And so, here we are. Finally – because it took me so ridiculously to arrive at this point – FINALLY I’m asking you: Drop your requests in the comments section below! Be as specific or as general as you want. I just ask 2 simple things: {UPDATE: Scroll to the top for a list of requested recipes that I have published!} I obviously can’t promise that I’ll share every recipe requested, being that I’m just one person who does need to sleep on occasion! But I’ll certainly share the most requested ones, and I’ll regularly pop back here when I’m planning my recipe calendar.


Hairdresser appointments are always extremely productive – I get my highlights and make recipe videos. Dozer gets his pats.

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